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Looking for a unique partnership opportunity? Our next generation AI, NoCode, WaaS websites have been built and tested over the past decade. It's ready-to-go! We are now searching for partners to help us sell our product vision globally.
We have a number of $4 billion+ target corporations 'in our sights' that could instantly replace their archaic products with our futuristic product at scale.
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A Traditional Start-up

A bright idea. Seek funding. Build the product. Seek funding. Market the product. Seek funding. Sell the product.
How long until ROI?

Peach Rocks

Ready-to-go AI, NoCode and WaaS next generation websites. Why not have a demo of our amazing technology?
Why not become a partner or affiliate?

The Problem with a Start-up is?

How it Normally goes...
The Conception
Eureka!!! A bright idea is conceived by an individual and shared between friends, the soon-to-be founding members of a fledgling start-up. The idea may be good or bad, spawned by the very latest technological trend or simply offering a solution to a new or age-old problem. It might be a combination of being a trendy solution and supplying a need or maybe it's a nothing, being solely a vehicle to attract investment via buzzwords, trend and hype.
Founding members are usually very passionate and convincing about what they have dreamt up, but it could be a lame duck, remember most are? How many unicorns are there in reality verses start-ups failing or making losses for years? Number of users does not equal profitability, success for investors is measured by financial gain. It would be amazing if ROI was almost immediate!
It's really hard to tell if a start-up concept is viable since it only currently exists as an idea, inside the heads of the founders. They will all have their own unique version of the idea, subtly different, honed by their own personal experiences and angle of view. A marketer's viewpoint, a financial director's viewpoint and an engineer's viewpoint will all judge the product's characteristics of importance differently.
Can the idea transform to a product physically? Who knows? It’s just an idea. How does it get built? Money and work. Where does the money come from? Who is going to build it? It's too difficult at this stage, normally, to work out if the idea has some legs or not; it's even harder with a digital product like software. Remember too, it'll almost certainly take longer than is anticipated to build, much longer in most cases.
The Gestation
From Idea to MVP (Minimum Viable Product v1). To even make the bridge between Idea and the start of something requires work. Who funds the work? The founders will take the work and pain usually in terms of unpaid toil and initially their own money. Seed funding is also an option. Funding equals speed of product build at the expense of company shares. Friction often occurs from the diverse pathways between investor's profit, the founder's principles and their allegiance to the ideal design concepts and staying true to the original idea.
The time to Product v1 and its quality is determined by the flexible triangle between money, time to market and the minimum features needed; change any factor and the others change with it! After a varying gestation period Product v1 is born. Usually, minimum in function with more emphasis on the product visuals. Your pre-launch demos received rave reviews since no one cares about the function in a demo!
If it looks great, it must be a winner, right? Wrong. Your end user's initial enthusiasm over the look and feel will soon be tempered by lack of function and bugs. They simply expect it will work; anything less is pure frustration. You haven't got time to fix by an update to Product v2 since it's still on the drawing board. Firefighting bugs slows down your journey towards Product v2. Sound familiar? Maybe the best solution is to not rush it, test it and taking the time but this costs money. Who is in control of the launch? Money or engineering?
The Birth
Ready to launch and how do you do that if funds are running low? Second round of Investment since the arrival of a new baby is costly? You've spent your initial investors budget on building Product v1. You're not making any profit as yet! And it's the most expensive time. How do you market Product v1?
No one is going to find your glossy website without advertising spend. How's your Product v1 being received by your initial users? Remember it's only an MVP but your clients expect total polished perfection since they see it everywhere else and they were there at your pre-launch selling demos. Second round of Investment seems the only way forward? Give away a little more of your company to Investors.
The founders feel like the idea, which is now a fledgling product, that the ownership balance is tipping away from them and so is the control over the direction of the product. However, there is no more work without financing it. Capital is King, without it your business is doomed!
On the pathway to Product v2, this is what v1 should have been without the need to pay salaries and expenses in order to grow the company for investors. These investors are now running your show now, aren't they? The financials have become more important than the engineering! Since you're still not making any profit and you need more marketing, more developers and more customers where do you go? Funds are running low again. Another round of investment?
There's now even more financial vote than founder engineering vote. Who's now running your show now? Perhaps, being cynical, this transfer of ownership has been designed from the outset. To succeed you need to lose control of your company. It's the interplay between money, idea and risk that causes friction in terms of company ownership. Who's taking the greatest risk? Wouldn't it be great if there was reduced risk and the risk verses investment could be more easily quantified?
Ok, it's not that Simple
No, it's not that simple, but that's the simplified essence of the normal progression of a start-up business. Money drives the show and you can't live on thin air or further develop your product without it. None of this is a swipe at venture capitalists or investors in any form. It’s the way it works in a capitalist system. Investors wouldn't invest without the hope of a financial return and the sooner the better. Whilst your interest is in the idea and money, their interest is solely money! Your idea is a vehicle to a financial return! We wanted to do it a different way!

Welcome to Peach Rocks

AI, NoCode, WaaS websites that are ready-to-go!
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Partnerships Page. Peach Rocks Logo #1.
We've built our product. It's here and you're looking at it right now. We have in our hands is potentially the future direction of Web3 websites. Our real-time AI, NoCode WaaS websites are a step up from Web 2.0 to Web3 and not the large step backwards that you see with IPFS Web3 websites as they exist today. If you would like to know how we have already built the future of websites then read on...
Partnerships Page. Cartoon Man Looking Up.
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece" - John Ruskin (1819  - 1900)
How it was and How it went at Peach Rocks
Blood, Sweat and Tears
We started out way back in 2011 with our idea. We did it the hard way by having day jobs, bootstrapping, self-investment and paying for product development with our company profits! We had no intentions of seeking seed funding or investment. We didn't really have a short-term project for investors to back for profit and by the time we were near completion over a decade later how much of our company would remain ours?
It's our guess that with funding we would have never have got to where we are today. We've built our Product v3, it's truly had three iterations of development over a decade and as engineers we know it's been built and tested without the influence of any investor's coin. Between our three founders we own 100% of our company shares (49%/49%/2%). We own our product copyright and the whole technology stack completely.
At the start of 2024 we have a complete product v3 that's ready to grow rapidly. We've built the next generation of AI, NoCode, WaaS websites. It's good to go!
How long is your usual Investment ROI?
Our product has been built and tested over the past decade. What a benefit! We are now searching for a partners and affiliates to help us share our product vision globally. Want to join us on our journey revolutionising the way websites work? It's real, it works and it's ready to go!
Need more social proof? You can talk to our clients about our technology and how we benefit their business' day in, day out. We've proved that it scales in the real world with real clients. There's no doubt over how long it will take to build, how much funding is required or even whether it will actually work or scale.
There are a number of $4 billion+ target corporations 'in our sights' that could instantly replace their archaic products with our futuristic Product v3 at scale. We are talking almost instant ROI. We can handle the engineering. What can you deliver? We're looking for partners and affiliates to sell our product globally.
How Eco/Green is our Product?
From our first beginnings in 2011 we concentrated on product efficiency. We wanted to squeeze the best performance from the least amount of energy. We used the best development tools and software development techniques to make our product extremely energy frugal whilst creating an increased level of performance.
We stretched our web application to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and to only do work when there is actually something to do. We tuned every aspect of the product which yields an amazing level of energy savings and a massive reduction in CO2 emissions.
We've written a whole detailed section on our quest for carbon neutrality and created a downloadable, fully customisable spreadsheet dedicated to energy savings. You can also see our amazing profit margins per server.
Download our interactive business plan, profit and carbon efficiency Excel spreadsheet
Fixing Web v1.0, Improving Web 2.0 and heading to Web3
We position ourselves presently as a >Web 2.5 company. Unusually, we've fixed the past, focused at the present time and also moving forward into the future with Web3 technologies. We are the past, present and future replacement for websites and web hosting. Not a single customer cares about web hosting; they simply want their new company online instantly. GoDaddy, WIX and all the rest have an archaic means of building a web presence. Their businesses are currently fully rooted in the past.
Our product enables instant online creation and instant live updating within a client's own website without any concept of web builder or publishing. It empowers entrepreneurs to concentrate on building their online business rather than the struggling with the technology that empowers it. Looking towards the future we've looked exhaustedly at Web3 websites in the form of the IPFS (Inter-Planetary File System), it's a present time failure and a big step backwards in its current form from Web 2.0.
We want our solution to be the beginning of true distributed Web3 websites or rather the future of Web3 web applications. We've a host of technologies that we have developed over the past decade which move websites closer to a fully mobile app experience. We're close enough to allow our clients just one solution for both mobile apps and website, it all just happens automatically. Our web application technology should be the websites powering Web3.
So, what do we have? An easy to use, AI, WaaS, no code but real-time website creation and live editing within your website, without leaving your website. An automatic, mobile experience without any duplication of effort. In terms of the mega web hosting suppliers like WIX, GoDaddy, etc. we could revolutionise their business instantly, fixing once and for all their Web 1.5 viewpoint and sending them on a journey heading towards Web3.
Our product is huge. It should be, being 12 years in development. It's not finished by any means and we've a backlog of modular features that we would like to implement into the future. We're now looking for more speed, a bigger team and of course to recoup some of our decade of investment. Can you help and profit from our ready-to-go start-up with instant ROI? Looking for a partnerships?
How about we Talk or rather Walk
So, we've talked the talk? Do we walk the walk? We sure do! Why not spend an hour of your time with us. We will show you exactly what we have achieved and how we are going to change the world of Web3 online technology forever.
We can't hide under the words and promises of an idea since our product exists. We start fully formed, at the growing stage. Anything to lose other than an hour?
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AI, NoCode, WaaS websites done right! We build the future of real-time websites and live mobile web applications.
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Our online solution is nothing like anything else you’ve experienced before. Read all about it.
The Product
10 Years of solid R&D, testing and in-production with real clients. A Solution that’s 10 Years Ahead.
The Features
Want to change your website on your website? How about right-click, edit in-place and save. That’s it!
The Solution
Your business changes on a daily basis, why shouldn’t your website? No skill required!
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Our experienced UK team have been designing, writing and maintaining complex software applications since 1983.
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We are a self-owned UK limited company, with no external investors and are a self-funded profitable business.
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We have long term clients for variety of industry sectors, Corporates,  SMEs, Small Business and Affiliates.
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Carbon Neutral
A Sustainable Future.
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The Future of Web3 Websites.
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