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Imagine if your website was more like your bricks and mortar store, see live who's online, what they are doing and instantly reverse chat with them. We've used AI, NoCode and WaaS so that you can build and update engaging mobile first websites. It's all based on 10 years of solid R&D, testing and proven in-production with real clients. Our mission critical software is used 365/24/7 by 1,000s of UK based companies.
We worked hard to make your online solution safe and secure. We also are eco-friendly and aim to be carbon neutral in our approach to software design and hosting.
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Imagine if you could have...

A Website More Like Your Bricks And Mortar Store

So, you're looking at your website and wondering who else is looking at this right now? I wonder what they are doing? Somehow, it's just not the same as your shop or business premises. At your physical store you see the door open. You can watch your clients browsing around. You can see which products they loiter around just a little longer. You glean valuable business intelligence just by observing. You can interact by saying "Hello, how may I help?". You see them leave.
Contrast this to your website. Best that you can hope for is web statistics that are somewhere in the past, hardly interactive enough for real-time information. So, you have all that potential but no information, you are just looking at your website clueless to who's online and what they are doing right now. It's not your fault, or your web designers, it's just the way the web works. Or rather, it's just the way the web used to work!
We’ve built the future, where you can observe and reach out to your clients in the same way as your bricks and mortar store.
Live Business Intelligence
At your physical store you see the door open. You can watch your clients browsing around. You can see which products they loiter around just a little longer. You glean valuable business intelligence just by observing. We've made your online world just the same.
Product Page. A Computer Monitor Showing a User Editing a Page Inline.
Imagine if you could have...

A Mobile First, Cloud Based Solution

Our cloud-based app is designed from the outset to perform as well on a mobile as it does on a laptop. We don’t install anything on any device. It’s all safely up in the cloud where we can maintain it without any user disturbance. It beautifully scales perfectly across all screen sizes with a performance just like a native phone application.
Your clients will love our concept of one solution for all their customers devices, phone, tablet and laptop. Your clients can update their online content on the go via mobile with live updates without refresh via live push.
We've built the future, where your mobile website is as good and responsive as a native smartphone app. 
Product Page. Cartoon Man and Women Admiring Huge Mobile Phone.
Mobile First
Your clients will love our concept of one solution for all their customers devices, phone, tablet and laptop.
Imagine if you could have...

10 Years Of Solid R&D, Testing And In-Production With Real Clients

We started the development of our futuristic online solution way back in 2011. We spent the first few years developing and testing our first release with a select number of clients.
Following our successful beginnings, we teamed up with various businesses to stretch our product to its limits. That’s why we can confidently say 2,000 customers on your server hosting since we run at this configuration day in, day out. We’re entering our 4th year running at this capacity.
We built the future, on the secure foundations of research, development, testing and in-production with real clients.
10 Years Of Research And Development
We've be researching and designing the next generation of websites since way back in 2011. Want to sell the websites and mobile solutions from the future?
Product Page. A Computer Screen showing a Map with Business Details.
Imagine if you could have...

Mission Critical Software For Doing Business Online

In 2018 we teamed up with ‘The Pharmacy Centre’ which is part of the ‘Medicine Chest’ group. They deliver a software solution that empowers UK based pharmacies to easily handle their patient prescriptions and repeats/refills. It’s a full in-pharmacy software backend, a pharmacy website and a mobile solution all in one. Moreover, they are the biggest suppliers of this type of software in the UK with more than 1,500 individual pharmacy branches.
Pharmacy patients rely on the robustness of our online solution to order their prescriptions 365/24/7. It’s also growing monthly. Our software solution is so elegant and usable for pharmacies and patients that since going live we’ve had a 500% increase in traffic, we now handle over 700,000 unique visits per month. We handle over 100,000 patients’ prescription items each month. We have 99.99% uptime calculated over 4 complete years, if you’re wondering about the 0.01% it’s our regular software updates for new features and maintenance.
We've built the future, where your online solution is reliable and robust enough to handle the demands of patient prescriptions and secure enough for connection to NHS systems. We can build custom extensible modules for vertical marketplace solutions, just like we did for 'The Pharmacy Centre'.
Product Page. Cartoon Doctor and Nurse in Capes and Face Masks.
Mission Critical For Doing Business Online
We are the online software power behind 1,500 UK based pharmacies and 365/24/7 patient prescriptions.
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Safety And Security, Tested Both Traditionally And Creatively

We take the security of our customer's online data very seriously. We store NHS patient information, which is the most sensitive form of data, alongside business data in the exact same way. All our data stored in your solution is fully encrypted. There is NO data to steal at all. To prove our security, we followed both a conventional and unconventional path. Our unique online solution doesn’t follow the conventional design of websites and mobile apps hence it’s tougher to crack with known hacking tools.
Conventionally we’ve paid for professional penetration testing. We store sensitive NHS data in some of our mission critical systems, we treat your data the very same way. PEN testing probes all the function from browser to server interfaces for known vulnerabilities. We do it every single year.
Unconventionally we ran a bitcoin honeypot from 2012 - 2018 where we paid bitcoin for hackers in the wild to have a probe against our server via games for bitcoin prizes. We monitored the penetration levels and the methods freelance hackers, both White hat and Black hat, used against us. Zero violations in over 6 years.
We built the future, based on 10 years of in the wild security testing, conventional penetration testing and bitcoin for hacking. Zero breaches, good enough?
Your Customer's Online Data Is Safe And Secure
In our world there simply isn't any data or code that an intruder can steal. Our code is binary and our data is fully encrypted. There's nothing to steal.
Product Page. Castle with a Padlock for Security.
Imagine if you could be...

Eco-friendly And As Green As It Gets!

From our conception we wanted to make sure that we designed the ultimate online solution in terms of performance, power consumption and efficiency. As veteran software engineers we know the energy consuming flaws of conventional software architecture and their implementations. We designed a product that is so efficient we can run 5,000 websites easily on a single, modest Microsoft Windows Server.
Along with efficiency goes performance, our online solution is lightning fast and responsive under extreme workload. Every part of our online system has been tuned for performance. Your customers will always be delighted at the underlying feel of live interaction.
We transmit much less data over the wire than a conventional solution using our smart, persistent connections. In comparison to a regular website we transmit bytes instead of kilobytes. We save energy and increase the performance each time a user navigates a page or an admin updates a page.
We've built the future, where building bigger data centres to scale isn't the answer. What if your software was simply more efficient and you sent less data across the wire?
Product Page. Cartoon Man and Women with Recycling Bins.
Reducing Power Consumption
We reduce the energy used by your server by using more efficient software. Along with efficiency goes performance. We've tuned our solution to the max.
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A Base Core Which Can Be Enhanced By Additional Modules

We have a base core of function for online solution. Everything else is added in the form of modules containing additional functionality. These modules can be private or public, chargeable or free and can be selected by clients as they self-serve their online.
Your customers can buy into new functionality by simply checking a box, either initially or using self-service or in their control panel. These modules provide the diversity we need to create custom solutions for clients. Our online solution can extend way beyond our initial design aims to create bespoke solutions for clients solving problems tailored specifically to their business domain. 
We built the future, where we can build any software solution by simply adding enhanced functionality into extension module. We can tailor our base core to your vertical marketplace solution.
Modular In Functional Design
Our online solution can extend way beyond our initial design aims to create bespoke solutions for clients solving problems tailored specifically to their business domain.
Product Page. A Hand Holding a Mobile Phone with the Gotham Avenger Artwork.
Imagine if you could have...

Locale Independence

Wherever you are in the World our online solution speaks your language. We don’t start in English and translate to your language; your language is the true base language from which you can translate to other languages.
Our online solution helps you keep your translations fully in-sync. We teamed up with a company in Portugal ‘F5IT’ by building them a specific ‘SAGE X3’ connector module that’s fully Portuguese with an English translation.
We also handle base currency, payment providers and invoices tailored specifically to your country’s rules of business.
We've built the future, where your base website language is your native language. 
Product Page. Cartoon Woman Chatting to a Girl Sitting on Chairs.
We Speak Your Language
Designed around multiple languages and the management of translations between locales.
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Self-Service And Free Trial Periods

Your clients can create a cloud-based website and mobile solution by simply filling in a simple self-service form online at your sales website. It’s quick, easy and requires no interaction whatsoever.
You can easily manage your free trials via our comprehensive control panel. It’s all built into the product, sell whilst you sleep and convert your free trials into your new clients. The availability of self-service is optional and the length of the free trial is also configurable to your business needs.
We built the future, where our product sells itself. Imagine your customers self-serving and free-trials. Sell 365/24/7.
Try Before You Buy
Self serve a webapp and try it out for FREE. We're confident that you will love our product, just head to our self-service webapp builder. No Credit Card.
Product Page. Create a Webapp Builder Page.
Imagine if you could have...

A Solution That’s 10 Years Ahead

The origins of our unique online solution lie in our despair, as software engineers, at the lack of progress in web development. The tools we are still using are essentially the same as back in 1996. We wanted to re-write the software in terms of 2011, in 2022 we’re still pushing the frontiers of architecture, software design and implementation.
Our online solution is nothing like anything else you’ve experienced before. We make your online world very easy allowing you to concentrate on your business NOT the technology that powers your business. We also believe in a mobile first solution, imagine a world where your total online can be updated from your sofa via your smartphone. That’s the world we’ve created.
We've built the future, where you will always be 10 years ahead. 

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Product Page. Cartoon Man and Woman Running and Passing a Baton.
10 Years Ahead, Always...
Our online solution is nothing like anything else you’ve experienced before.
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AI, NoCode, WaaS websites done right! We build the future of real-time websites and live mobile web applications.
Project Peach Limited
48 Buckton Vale Road, Carrbrook, Stalybridge, England, SK15 3JP.
(+44) 1904 349 316
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What's It About?
Our online solution is nothing like anything else you’ve experienced before. Read all about it.
The Product
10 Years of solid R&D, testing and in-production with real clients. A Solution that’s 10 Years Ahead.
The Features
Want to change your website on your website? How about right-click, edit in-place and save. That’s it!
The Solution
Your business changes on a daily basis, why shouldn’t your website? No skill required!
About Us
Our Team
Our experienced UK team have been designing, writing and maintaining complex software applications since 1983.
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We are a self-owned UK limited company, with no external investors and are a self-funded profitable business.
Our Clients
We have long term clients for variety of industry sectors, Corporates,  SMEs, Small Business and Affiliates.
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We're always looking for affiliates to sell our WaaS, AI, NoCode websites globally. Want to partner up?
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Carbon Neutral
A Sustainable Future.
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The Future of Web3 Websites.
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Just fill in a simple form and we will build you a trial website. It's a time limited full version. It's FREE and No Credit Card.
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Try out our online retail store? We've a retail store extension module that you can upsell to your clients.
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