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How does our solution help your online business...

The Solution

Your business changes on a daily basis, shouldn't your website? Use the very latest AI, NoCode and WaaS technology to empower your website. If you sell products or your time then we have the ultimate solution. Ever considered the business advantage of knowing just who is on your website right now and what they are doing? You could chat to them right on topic if you had that business intelligence.
We have a proven solution that is simply full of features like our built-in live chat and it's multi-lingual too. Find out more on this page.
Try It Right Now!
Your Business Changes Daily, Shouldn’t Your Website?
Easily Keep Your Business' Contacts, Opening Hours, Maps And Services Up To Date
Do You Want To Sell Your Products Online Just Like The Big Boys?
Do You Want To Sell Your Time Online With Our Live Scheduler?
Who Is Looking At Your Website Right Now? Do You Know?
Do You Want To Live Chat To Customers Before They Chat To You?
Do You Need Native Base Website Language Translation?
How's Your Online Security? Is Your Solution Safe And Secure?
I'd Like To Know If Your Online Solution Is Well Proven Or Brand New?
What’s Unique About Your Online, Website And Mobile Solution?
Solution Page. Cartoon Man Taking a Nap in a Cup of Tea.
Keep your visitors returning with frequent updates...

Your Business Changes Daily, Shouldn’t Your Website?

Built-in Generative AI

Use our built-in generative AI to create original text and image content without the hassle.

Zero Lead-Time

Zero lead-time for adding, changing and removing page content.

Zero Code

Totally NoCode, no skill, no website builder solution. Anyone can update your business’ online content.

No Website Builder

No concept of a website builder and publishing. You change your website on your website, live.

Perfect Proportion

Flexible, auto stretching text regions that proportion perfectly with content change or real-time human language selections.

No Refresh, Targeted Updates

Updates are done in real-time. Make a change and anyone looking will see without refresh.

Easy Updating From Laptop

Make a change with a right click, update item and save. Job done.

Easy Updating From Mobile

Update your website from your mobile on the sofa with a long press, change and save. Job done.

Easily Change Visual Styling

Make visual changes to style within seconds. Have a new look every day.

No Graphic Design Skill Needed

No graphic design skill is needed. Use our pre-built styling to build new pages.

Built-in Or Your Own Images

Use your own images, from our library, your computer or your mobile phone.

Responsive Design

Responsive design that displays beautifully across laptop, tablet and mobiles.
Solution Page. Cartoon Woman Looking at a Map and Getting Directions.
All that's hard is now easy...

Easily Keep Your Business' Contacts, Opening Hours, Maps And Services Up To Date

Opening Hours

Update your opening hours like using an app. Just set up once and share across all your store locations.

Public Holiday Opening Hours

Set up your yearly holiday opening hours or days that you are closed for automated overriding.

Specific Store Opening Hours

Add changes of opening hours for a single store within a group of stores. It's so simple.

Your Stores On The Map

Put a pin on Google maps at the location of all your stores. Pin your locations by country, post code or simply click on the map.

Company Addresses And Contacts

Make the connection between your company locations and the contact information at that location.

Custom Contact Information

Phone, email, address, mobile, departments, WhatsApp, Teams, Meet, whatever. Just enter your contact methods per store. 

Services Per Location

What services your company offers per location. Provide all you offer tied to a store.

Type Your Services For Easy Filtering

Allow your customers to find which locations offer which services simply and easily.

Easily Book Services

Book services at a store using our live scheduler. Simply click to book at the desired location.

Simple Or Detailed Services

Visually show your services as simple headings or provide drilling down to more detail.

Multiple Styles Of Store Widgets

Contact details are available in simple or complex representations of the data. Quick or full detail dependent on page position.
Solution Page. Cartoon Women Sat in Shopping Cart on Mobile Phone.
Sell like a professional on your own website...

Do You Want To Sell Your Products Online Just Like The Big Boys?

Import Your Products From Etsy

Add your products with our import wizard. Have an Esty store? Just drop your export file to create your store instantly. More coming soon.

Same Product, Different Styles

Easily create extended product attributes to sell the same product in different size/colour/logo combinations.

Online Payments With Two Factor

Full checkout, cart and online payment experience with 3DS stronger banking transactions.

Instant Price Updates, No Refresh

Real-time pricing and product updates. Change a product price and anyone viewing the product will see the update without refresh.

Automatic Customer Emailing

Customisable emails to automate your online sales process and keep your customers in the loop regarding order processing and tracking. Live order status on website too.

Mobile First, Excellent On Any Device

A mobile first approach to retail. Your customers will have the same first-class experience whatever the device.

Order Tracking

Full order tracking and customer order notification for administrators and customers.

Real-Time Discount Sales

Online discount sales are as simple as programming your digital TV recorder. Set the start time, end time and the product discounts and you’re done. No changes to page content are required. Anyone looking will see the sale start and end in real-time.

Proactive Sales Chatbot

Sales integration with our natural language chatbot. Sell 24/7/365 by using our reverse chat capability, the sales bot instigates the chat with the customer.

Sage X3 Connector

A Sage X3 module is available to sell your X3 products online with no-code.
Solution Page. Cartoon Women Showing an Appointment Calendar.
Take live bookings that update in real-time, no more double bookings...

Do You Want To Sell Your Time Online With Our Live Scheduler?

Live Booking System

Need to sell time instead of products? No problem, we have you covered. If you run any type of booking system from restaurants to pharmacies, we offer a user configurable booking system which empowers your client. All our bookings are in real-time and update live during the reservation process.

Visual Slots That Update In Real-Time

A live and visual booking system that shows clients the time slots that are currently available and updates in real-time when other clients make bookings. From an administrator’s perspective you can watch your appointments fill in real-time.

Multi-Room And Multi-Resource

Configurable and multi-resource. Unlimited number of rooms, people, tables as a resource with custom time slots per resource.

Automatic Customer Emailing

Customisable emails/text messages that ensure your customers are kept in the loop about their bookings and upcoming appointment reminders.

Book Via Our Interactive Chatbot

Seamless integration with our chatbot. Book an appointment via chatbot for a resource, date and time complete with time suggestions. Works with telephony too.

Zoomable Calendar Booking Views

Live statistical view that shows occupancy of a resource over time, both historic, current and into the future. Zoomable from day to bird’s eye view. Supplementary to our live web statistics. Updates are live.

Administrator Booking And Updating

Appointments can be booked in proxy by administrators, mainly in response to chats, customer visits or phone calls.
Solution Page. Cartoon Group of People taking a Selfie.
Watch your customers browse in real-time. How's that for business intelligence...

Who Is Looking At Your Website Right Now? Do You Know?

A Website Just Like A Physical Store

Your website is more like a physical store. You can watch customers arrive, watch them browse, ask if they need help, engage in the sales process or offer immediate discount on the item visually without refresh, make the sale and watch them leave.

Live Users And Statistics

Our websites are alive to administrators. All users are visible in real-time. Their devices, stay length and geographical location are updated live.

Real-Time User Actions

Who is doing what right in the moment? You can track your customers actions, which products and pages they are visiting right now whilst they are still online. It’s built in.

Searchable And Filtered Visit History

There are also past visits that are searchable and filterable. Who’s been on in the last few hours or days and what have they viewed.

Registration, Login And Guests

Full user registration, login and guest capability. Identify your users or allow simple anonymous browsing and retail checkouts.

Reverse Chat To Customers

Talk to your customers live. If you notice a customer on a particular page or product why not simply chat? It doesn’t matter if it’s a guest or registered user.

Historical Statistics

What about historic statistics? The visit numbers, times and daily peaks are built in and work hand in hand with our live ‘in the moment’ statistics.

Most Popular Pages And Products

What’s your most popular pages and products? Watch your statistics change in real-time and watch our live overview of user actions as they happen.
Solution Page. Cartoon Man Reclining on Chat Box Holding a Mobile Phone.
Not all website chats are born equal. Combine live actions with reverse chat to sell more effectively...

Do You Want To Live Chat To Customers Before They Chat To You?

Chat And Reverse Chat

Chat customer to business, business to customer, employee to employee, text, voice, video, in person or chatbot. A complete cost-effective business communication solution.

Start An Online Conversation

What if you could instigate the conversation to your website customer? We’ve a reverse chat mode built-in. Just pick the user or guest from our live connections and start to chat.

Administrator Chat Management

You can manage all your conversations in a single place using our chat manager view.

Themed Chat Topics

Chat with users, guests or administrator colleagues. Chat on a themed subject, one to one or multiple administrators in a customer conversation.

AI Natural Language Chatbot

Need a state-of-the-art AI chatbot that uses and speaks natural language. We’ve a module that uses natural language to take your automated conversation to a new level. It also works with telephony, recording also into chat. We offer stock dialogues and also you can build and train custom conversations.

A Sales Chatbot Selling 24/7

What if you could sell 24/7 to your customers? It would mean spending all your time in front of your laptop. What if our chatbot could sell for you? Remember we can initiate a conversation to a customer, simply use our sales dialogue script.

Voice And Video Calling

We’ve built-in video calling. Need to consult with your clients virtually in person? It’s available in our video chat module.
Solution Page. Cartoon Woman Chatting to a Girl Sitting on Chairs.
Need more than one language for your website? It's built in...

Do You Need Native Base Website Language Translation?

Multi-Lingual, Native Language

Our websites are built from the ground up to be multi-lingual. It’s not an afterthought and we don’t presume ‘English’ is the starting point for translation.

Built-In Translation Management

So how does the translation work? Your website manages your translations to other languages. When you add new content or products, we track the translations needed and they can be translated in the control panel or simply switch language and translate directly on the page. Any missing translations are flagged as needing attention.

Multi-Currency, Auto Exchange Rates

Alongside language translation we have base currency selection for our retail products and user display currency sourced from real-time exchange rates.

User Language Selection

Users can select their country to view in native language easily from the header. Country/language selection is only available if there is more than one language.

Domain Specific Language Selection

A unique domain can be set to allow access to a specific country/language variant of a website. For example, points to Portugal/Portuguese and points to English/UK variant.

Sage X3 Language Compatible

Products from our Sage X3 module source language translations directly from X3.
Solution Page. Cartoon Superman Talking to a Little Girl with a Teddy Bear.
We've been tested 365/24/7 in the wild for over 10 years and professionally PEN tested yearly...

How's Your Online Security? Is Your Solution Safe And Secure?

Proprietary Communications System

We built our own software stack that underpins our solution from the ground up. At every layer we’ve built security in as part of our design. We’ve a proprietary communications solution that’s unknown, safe and secure.

Free SSL Certificates And Secure Traffic

All our websites are HTTPS and the SSL certificates are generated for FREE and renewed automatically thanks to our built-in LetsEncrypt integration. Our underlying bi-directional communication uses secure web sockets.

Professionally PEN Tested

We’ve had our websites professionally PEN (Penetration Test) tested and it’s done every year.

Unprofessionally Tested In The Wild

We built a bitcoin honeypot to attract hackers in the wild. We ran from 2012 – 2018 offering bitcoin for gaming. Zero penetrations, we tracked it and still do.

All Server Exposed Data Encrypted

What if it’s an inside job? We can keep criminals off our servers externally, but what if it’s an employee of the hosting company accessed your server? Our solution doesn’t have source code visible on the server it’s binary (unreadable) in format. Our database is fully encrypted to AES-256, all the data in the database, and decrypted on-the-fly in real-time by the binary application. There is simply no useable client data on the server to steal.

Minified And Obfuscated JavaScript

Our browser hosted front-end software is minified and obfuscated using our own algorithms. You can’t read it or try to make sense of the logic.

SSL Communications With Parity Check

Our communications layer is binary, secured by SSL and parity checked at each end to validate data messaging content after delivery. We log all failures in our central error handling.

The Highest Security Standards

In our pharmacy website solutions, we store and handle NHS (UK National Health Service) patient data. We greatly exceed the security required by UK government standards.
Solution Page. Cartoon Man Shouting through a Megaphone.
All hype and sales patter? Our unique solution sells itself...

I'd Like To Know If Your Online Solution Is Well Proven Or Brand New?

Proven Since 2011

We’ve been designing and building our solution since 2011. We’ve had clients using our solutions since 2012. We’re not new but our solution is nothing like anything else out there. Our solution helps our clients gain competitive advantage online using our real-time technologies.

How's Your Usage?

Daily, we host around 1,000 UK based pharmacy companies, many have multiple branches, which in real terms is about 1,500 pharmacy branches. This is all on a single, modest, UK hosted dedicated server. This is both website, patient prescription ordering and pharmacy management and must be available 24/7/365. We’ve been live for approaching 3 years, we have had 700,000+ visits per month, 100,000 prescription items per month, 10,000 concurrent visitors and 99.99% uptime over 2 complete years (The 0.01% is our frequent updates).

Who Are Your Clients?

We work with both large and small business. We are the power behind sites in the UK Nuclear Industry, we provide tailored solutions to art galleries. All our solutions can have custom modules to extend our general solution to any particular industry. We can also build custom vertical solutions using these extension modules. Our solution is particularly suitable for creating, duplicating and managing industry specific products to create turnkey solutions.

Need Social Proof?

Maybe you would like some social proof? We’d be more than happy to put you in touch with our clients. Of course, we’d be more than happy to demo our product to you or talk about vertical markets or selling our general solutions.
Solution Page. Cartoon Girl on a Playground Swing Listening to Music.
Quit duplication of effort. Save more energy, money and time...

What’s Unique About Your Online, Website And Mobile Solution?

One Solution For All Devices

Just one solution for all devices. No separate website and mobile app.

Live Customer Interaction

See your customers online in real-time. Enhance your online sales to be more like a real store. Interact with your customers live.

Live Updating, Zero Refresh

Update and change your website instantly, with zero skill and live pushing updates to your client’s browsers.

Safe And Secure

It’s safe and secure from data theft. There’s no plain text logic or unencrypted data on our hosting or in browser.

Fast And Smooth User Experience

Our single page design and tuned server implementation offers smooth page changing with the absence of visible server page roundtrips.

Eco-Friendly And Energy Saving

We’ve built an eco/green solution at both the browser and server side. It’s scalable to 5,000 businesses on a single Microsoft Windows dedicated server.

Affiliate Programme

Commercially viable to build an affiliate online website sales business with zero skill. We've all the built-in function to easily run your new next generation AI, NoCode and WaaS business effortlessly.

Self Service, Auto Billing And Free Trials

Customer self-service option. New customers can simply access a fully functional, time limited website immediately.

Need A Demo?

Want to know more? Just contact us for a demo today! We’ve much more to show you!
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AI, NoCode, WaaS websites done right! We build the future of real-time websites and live mobile web applications.
Project Peach Limited
48 Buckton Vale Road, Carrbrook, Stalybridge, England, SK15 3JP.
(+44) 1904 349 316
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What's It About?
Our online solution is nothing like anything else you’ve experienced before. Read all about it.
The Product
10 Years of solid R&D, testing and in-production with real clients. A Solution that’s 10 Years Ahead.
The Features
Want to change your website on your website? How about right-click, edit in-place and save. That’s it!
The Solution
Your business changes on a daily basis, why shouldn’t your website? No skill required!
About Us
Our Team
Our experienced UK team have been designing, writing and maintaining complex software applications since 1983.
Our Company
We are a self-owned UK limited company, with no external investors and are a self-funded profitable business.
Our Clients
We have long term clients for variety of industry sectors, Corporates,  SMEs, Small Business and Affiliates.
Affiliate Programme
We're always looking for affiliates to sell our WaaS, AI, NoCode websites globally. Want to partner up?
Our Ethos
Carbon Neutral
A Sustainable Future.
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The Future of Web3 Websites.
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One Step At A Time
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Our Playground
Interested in how our live website updating works? Head to our interactive playground and play around.
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Just fill in a simple form and we will build you a trial website. It's a time limited full version. It's FREE and No Credit Card.
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Try out our online retail store? We've a retail store extension module that you can upsell to your clients.
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